Happy Day! I won!

Thanks go to Sue at Country Pleasures!  I’ve won her snowman give-away.  I just enjoy her blog so much.  You really must take a look-see.  She shares lots of scrumptious recipes.  Lots of eye candy on her blog too!

Thanks so much Sue!


Blessed Beyond What I Deserve

My Daybook…

Outside my window…darkness.  It’s far before dawn here in Missouri.

I am thinking… I need to get busy.  I have to go to a nearby city for my husband’s office Christmas party.  I found out last night that we are to bring “White Elephant” gifts.  The $ limit is $10.  I’ll be shopping at home from my stash!
I am thankful for… an e-mail from my grandma!  She’s recently moved and I lost her for a few weeks!
From the learning rooms…  a shortened day because of my trip.  Definitely math, language arts, and reading.

From the kitchen…  quick and simple.  Breakfast-toast.  Lunch-soup made from yesterday’s leftover brisket, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic.
I am wearing… Must I say?  I’m wearing my flannel nightgown.  It’s only 5:30 in the morning here as I write.
I am creating… a list in my head of things I want to create.  I’ll be writing them down soon.  Today, as we drive, I’ll probably be crocheting a hanging handle on a dishtowel.  I have a friend who has ordered two from me.   She doesn’t need them until after Christmas; but, it’s a project that will travel well.
I am going… to my husband’s office Christmas party.
I am hoping… to keep myself organized during this week.  After this week, much of the busy-ness of the season will be finished.  Then, I can focus on finishing projects.
I am hearing… nothing but the hum of the computer, the click of the keys, and silence.  It’s early, mind you!
Around the house… a few things to put away from the weekend…lots of laundry to be done…some ironing to do…more decorating to do.
One of my favorite things…poinsettias!  I hope my Honey reads this and gets the hint!
A few plans for the rest of the week:

Monday- Office Christmas Party

Tuesday-Homeschool Support Group Christmas Party

Wednesday-Caroling and ringing the bells at Wal-Mart with our church to raise money for Salvation Army.

Thursday-Kids’ homeschool Christmas Party

Friday-Friend’s Christmas party

Saturday-Craft fair in the day, just attending, and a Christmas play that night.

Sunday-possibly going to Branson to take in a show, if I can find a babysitter.

Here is picture thought I am sharing…

Making Cookies

Making Cookies

Visit the Simple Woman’s Daybook to see what other ladies are doing this week and to join in the fun.

It will be a very busy week, full of Christmas party preparations.

The only really important way that we must prepare for Christmas is in our hearts.  The rest of it is all for fun.  Let’s not forget that.  Jesus is the reason that we celebrate Christmas.  Jesus, the baby in the manger, God’s son, grew up to be the sinless sacrifice for our sins.  Let’s reclaim this holiday this year.


Keeping my Focus

You’ve Found Me….

Hello ladies,

I’m so glad you’ve found me.  It seems that this is the blogsite that is listed on some of my blogging friends’ pages as one of their favorites.  If that is you, will you please update my address?

My new blog is at http://harvestlanecottage.blogspot.com .

I’m still Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage; I just like the way blogger lets me add more things to my sidebars like my favorites with updates and some of my items that are for sale in my shop.

Thank you all for your support.  It has been very rewarding blogging these last several months.  Some posts are just for fun; some have been heart felt, some have really given me a chance to sort through my thoughts.

The most popular posts continue to be my thrifty posts.  I have a category for thrift over at my other blog, Harvest Lane Cottage, as well as thriftiness here on this blog.  I encourage you to do some searching on this blog.  There’s some good stuff here as well as on the new one.

Today’s post at Harvest Lane Cottage is about God giving me peace beyond all understanding in a terrible situation.  Please come by.  I’ll be waiting for you. ~smile~  Please comment.  I love to hear from y’all.

Blessings to you all!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Well ladies, it seems we just can’t stay away!

Well ladies, it seems we just cannot stay away!  Even after posting nearly exclusively over at my new blog, Harvest Lane Cottage, I’ve still had 34 hits on this blog just today!

So, perhaps I’ll continue to pop in and post here once in awhile.  I really do hope that you will join me at my new blog.  I know I have a lot of good content here; and, I’m still learning to use blogger, and to organize it; but, I’m learning.

So, please, let’s get together at my new blog!



Come on Over….

I just love the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks that I have.  I don’t have this one; but, it shows my thoughts exactly!  My husband and I enjoy hospitality.  In fact, I just signed up to be the hospitality hostess for my homeschool support group. 

I invite YOU to COME ON OVER to my new blog and see me.   Please leave me a comment and let me know you’ve come by!

God bless!


My First Give Away!

Hi!  I’m proud to announce my first GIVE AWAY! 

I’ve been so pleased to have so many readers visit my blog each day since I started in December.  When I started I didn’t think I had anything to say.  Surprise!  I did.  ~smile~  Funny, that didn’t surprise my husband a bit.  ~big smile~  Anyway, I’ve had a few faithful commenters who have been such an encouragement to me.  Thanks ladies!  I am looking forward to meeting some of you who have been reading. 

So, here’s my first give away, in hopes that you will come out of hiding and comment!

10-Minute Time Outs for Moms

This is a great devotional book for moms.  No offense to the ladies who aren’t moms.  I’ll have something different for another give away.  In the meantime, if you win, perhaps there’s a special momma in your life to whom you could give it.







I wish you luck!  I’m a little nervous about doing this for the first time.  Then again, I was super nervous when I was writing my first blog entry.  So come on ladies, help me gain a little confidence and enter my give away.


God bless you all!


Happy at Home

Come Visit Me at My New Blog!

Please visit me HERE.  

I’m in the process of moving.  I have a few more things I want to figure out before I leave WordPress, though.  I hope to keep the same friendly cottage feeling at my new place.  Blogger just has a few features that I’d like to use that are unavailable to me here at WordPress. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Laura of Harvest Lane

Happy at Home