Just Something to Think About… Angel Tree Party

Last Sunday  was a special morning at church.  We meet at the YMCA here in town.  There are 50 or 60 of us or so.  We gave a party to local children who have a parent in prison.  Of 13 families, about half showed up.  We had a puppet show, and told the story of Jesus’ birth and the plan of salvation.  We then shared cookies, muffins, fruit, juice and coffee.  Last of all, we sent them home with a pile of gifts that were signed from their absent parents and a new Bible from our church. 

This Sunday, we’re taking up a food collection for a local family that has fallen on hard times because of job loss.  One of our members killed the fattened cow  just for the purpose of sharing with families in need.  The rest of us are going to raid our pantries.

Have you thought about who in your community might need a little Christmas cheer or a little help?

 Christmas Blessings,


Christmas on the Cheap…and Nice

Many of us are called upon to give gifts in gift exchanges, at the office, to a teacher, to friends, the list goes on and on. Many of these gifts are supposed to be of the $5 or less type.

Why not shop in the comfort of your home, from your home? Go on a treasure hunt.

Entire article available at http://harvestlanecottage.blogspot.com .

It’s Time to Start Thinking About Christmas!

Yes Friends, you read that right.  It’s April, and it’s time to start thinking about Christmas.  Think back a few months to the weeks and days leading up to last Christmas…. Were you stressed, worried about getting it all done, finding that you don’t have time to relax and enjoy the month of Advent, of looking forward to Christ’s birth?  Thinking ahead and planning ahead can make a major difference. 

Why in April though?  Most early planning starts in October.  Well,  I’m starting to think ahead because, as a one income family, money is always tight during the holidays.  Right now, in April, the most wonderful sales are taking place.  Where?  Yard sales, garage sales, rummage sales, tag sales, estate sales, thrift shops and flea markets.  If you’re diligent to hunt and careful in your selection, you can find some treasures that make thoughtful gifts for friends and family.  Most folks don’t mind a thrifted gift if you’ve been thoughtful and selective, choosing something they would enjoy.  You know, it truly is the thought that counts!  Starting early allows you plenty of time to find something special for your dear ones.  It also saves dollars and precious time later in the year when you’d rather be baking cookies, visiting with loved ones, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of tea and a good book or The Good Book.  It’s easier to focus on our Lord and Savior and His great love and sacrifice for us when we’re not focusing on the have to do’s.  Starting early, earlier, and earliest will give you the luxury to enjoy your Christmas season to the fullest.

So, ladies, start your engines…

Let’s go yard saling!

Blessings to you,


Happy at Home 

Something to Think About…Gift Giving

We had a relaxing Christmas, just my mother-in-love and our little family of six.  We take time to open our presents one at a time so that all can enjoy each gift.  It seemed to take a long time this year.  It’s because now all of my children are now old enough to give gifts.  That multiplies presents quickly!  Although most of the things I gave were thrifted treasures, I found myself concerned that too much emphasis was put on gifts simply because of the great number involved.  Now, I do want my children to give gifts; but, I think I will be re-examining my own gift giving for next year.  We do not give our children very many gifts except for their birthdays and Christmas and an occasional I love you day.  I think that causes me to want to give them more on the special occasions.  I think also, since I’m spending so little, I feel like I should give more things.  I now realize that as with many things, less is best.  I intend to make some changes in our home.  I want our life to be focused on Christ and His gift.  I think my children understand that.  It’s just something for you and me to think about….

God bless!


Happy at Home