Working, Playing, and Sewing Through a Saturday

Dear Readers,

I’ve been getting school going, working on paperwork, transcribing an interview, and doing all the regular momma things this week. I did fit in time for some rummage sales on Friday and found some good deals on some craft and sewing supplies. Thank you God! Hopefully, you’ll soon be seeing some things I’m creating! ~smile~

Saturday I worked at my first freelance transcriptionist assignment for a few hours in the morning while my absolutely darling husband worked on honey do’s and got the kids busy on projects. When I came up for air, I found a tidy house with kids busy in various activities. Thank you Lowell!

During the afternoon, I intended to sew; but, it ended up to be a family afternoon. One of the local fast food restaurants has a half price drink time each afternoon. We loaded up the van with all six of us and went over for a soda and an hour of reading our favorite books. Afterward, we went to an old hardware store on the square for a few items. We just have to have the most beautiful courthouse and square in Missouri! We ended up by taking a drive through the historic district and sight seeing the old victorian houses built around the turn of the 20th century. It was refreshing and almost like taking a mini-vacation in our own town.

When we returned, I got busy with my sewing. BUT, my seven year old sweetie wanted to help. So, I got out her little project for her. She’s sewing buttons on the front of one of her little t-shirts, just to practice sewing buttons. It will be cute. She takes it so seriously. Needless to say, I knew I’d have interruptions; so, I chose to lengthen the elastic on my little princess’ petty pants, or bloomers, whichever you might call them. They are little shorts that I made for her last year which she wears under her dresses for modesty. She’s a mostly dresses girl; though, sometimes a little pair of jeans and a cute top just work better for her. There’s never any question that she’s all girl.

So here’s my sewing for Saturday:

I’m going to try to sew a bit every day as a part of National Sewing Month. If you’d like to join in the fun, go register at Aunt Jo’s blog. See my sidebar.

Last night I stitched on some more dishcloths while visiting at our dear friend Mr. Morris’ birthday party. I like keeping my hands busy!

Remember, I’m having a sale at my shop, Harvest Lane Cottage. Go check it out! I’ll be adding new things soon for Autumn and Christmas!

God bless you!


3 thoughts on “Working, Playing, and Sewing Through a Saturday

  1. Never too early to learn! Sounds like a perfect day to me, I love driving around and looking at the old buildings too! Love the bloomers!


  2. Hi Laura,Congrats on your transcription job! Don’t you just love finding sewing/craft items at yard sales? I’ve been watching your ticker for Farm Girl Days and I must say… You are really rockin’. I can’t believe how much you have gotten accomplished.I cut out 9 doll patterns yesterday (45 pieces total) and MIL took Clover for the day today. I turned little body parts and stuffed and sewed so much my finger tips are sore! It was fun, though!I can’t wait to see all that you’ve been making.Blessings,Miranda


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